
首頁 /藥靶模型 /藥靶細胞 /免疫治療 /CD40/HEK293



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I. Background
CD40, a TNF receptor superfamily member, was initially identified on B lymphocytes. However, other cell types such as monocytes, basophils, dendritic cells, endothelial cells, and epithelial cells have been found to express CD40. High levels of CD40 have also been detected in numerous human cancers, including HCT116, a colon cancer epithelial cell line. Interaction with CD40 ligand (CD40L, CD154) on CD4+ T helper lymphocytes triggers the expression of intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM) and other pro-inflammatory cytokines. CD40:CD40L signaling simultaneously increases activation of antigen-specific T cells. CD40 also activates NF-κB-dependent signaling in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) found on Gram negative bacterial pathogens. Agonistic CD40 monoclonal antibodies have been shown to activate antigen presenting cells (APC), promote anti-tumor T-cell responses, and to foster cytotoxic myeloid cells, suggesting a potential mechanism to control cancer in the absence of T-cell immunity.
II. Description

Recombinant HEK293 cell line expressing full length human CD40 (Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 5; TNFRSF5), Genbank Accession No. NP_001241.1. 

III. Introduction
Host Cell: HEK293
Expressed gene: CD40
Stability: 32 passages (in-house test, that not means the cell line will be instable beyond the passages we tested.)
Freeze Medium: 90% FBS+10% DMSO
Culture Medium:

DMEM +10%FBS+1ug/ml puromycin

Storage: Liquid nitrogen
Application(s): Binding Assay,FACS
IV. Description of Host Cell Line
Organism: Homo sapiens, human
Tissue: Embryonic kidney
Disease: Normal
Morphology: Epitheloid cell
Growth Properties: Adherent
Ⅴ. Representative Data

Figure 1. Recombinant HEK293 cell line expressing full length human CD40.

藥靶模型聯系方式: 華東銷售經理:18240630236 全國銷售經理:18066071954
診斷標準品聯系方式: 華東銷售經理:15000320447 華北銷售經理:18131625521 華南銷售經理:13484295986 華中&西南銷售經理:13871580511 全國銷售經理:13484295986


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